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Feb. 9, 2021
SACRAMENTO — Alliance Defending Freedom Church Alliance, a legal membership program for
churches, has partnered with the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC) to
support religious liberty through its “Freedom to Bring Good News” campaign.

ADF Church Alliance was launched by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the largest Christian
legal organization in the world advocating for religious freedom, the sanctity of life, free
speech, parental rights, and marriage and family.
“ADF is the number one organization in defense of religious liberty for the Hispanic Christian
and collective Christ-following community,” said Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the
National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference. “Our commitment to religious liberty goes
beyond rhetoric. Our work with Alliance Defending Freedom informs the Latino evangelical
community of their rights as religious institutions and emboldens the thousands of Hispanic
churches we serve and represent to live their Christian faith boldly and openly.”
ADF also offers free resources such as case impact documents where faith leaders can learn
about recent court decisions that affect churches and ministries, and legal guides that help
churches navigate some legal pitfalls and better understand what their key religious liberty
rights are. Members who join ADF Church Alliance receive additional in-depth resources, direct
access to attorneys for religious freedom legal help, and more.
To learn more about ADF Church Alliance, visit