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“We recommit ourselves to prayer and action for a day when such racism, bigotry and misogyny will be consigned to the trashbin of history.” – Rev. Samuel Rodriguez

Mar. 19, 2021

SACRAMENTO — Dr. Joseph Castleberry, president of Northwest University, releases the following statement on behalf of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC), in response to the shootings in Atlanta this week:
“The members of the NHCLC express our deep grief over the shootings of eight people in Atlanta this week by a deranged gunman. Eight people have died, including seven women, six of whom were Asian Americans, and one Hispanic man. Given a surge in recent months in violence against Asian Americans, the killings created a deep sense of fear among Asian Americans across the country. While police have released information stating that the killer has denied any racial animus in the killings, this is no solace to Asian Americans who are too often the subject of racism.

“The racial and gender elements of the crime cannot be dismissed. Regardless of his attempts to blame his failings on others, the effects of this massacre amount to an act of terrorism against both women and Asian Americans.”

Rev. Samuel Rodriquez, president of the NHCLC, added that the NHCLC stands in solidarity with women and Asian Americans in the aftermath of this atrocity:
“Like all ethnic minorities in America, Asian Americans contribute indispensibly to the economic success and cultural enrichment of our country, and they deserve to be celebrated in love and acceptance. No American should fear walking into their place of work on account of their race or ethnicity. The NHCLC stands together with all decent people in condemning these unconscionable and criminal acts of violence. We also recommit ourselves to prayer and action for a day when such racism, bigotry and misogyny will be consigned to the trashbin of history.”